Soparli'm'as si n'am cui. Dar am ciocan. Si mai am un stress, pe langa ciocan. Nu ca mi'ar fi mie greu sa scriu despre celti, chestia e ca mi'e greu sa limitez tot ceea ce as vrea sa spun despre arta lor, despre economia lor, despre felul in care tratau femeile, despre cum isi speriau inamicii in lupta, urland ca bezmeticii, despre, despre, despre...
Va postez introducerea in lucrarea mea de licenta, ar fi dragut daca as primi ceva critica... CONSTRUCTIVA. (cacofonie permisa... sper)
Well, there goes:
The Heritage of the Celts
If we take a glimpse on Europe’s history in its whole, we realize that there is a cultural link which binds almost each and every one of its countries. It is however, a very fine and subtle line that the Celtic groups left behind in every tribe they have ever come across with. It is found in many different things like the arts, agricultural skills and ways, architecture, weaving, lifestyle and whatnot. The plan of this work is to outline and pinpoint what this amazing people has given us, with an obvious focus on Ireland, where their migration stopped and where their influences are visible at their best. Researching their ancient history, their migration taken step by step, their culture, their music and their heritage, the trial of this paper is to bring into light what, when, how and why the Celts have marked worldwide history so deeply and yet, so fine. Looked upon from a historical angle, they actually create a link between prehistory and history in spite of not leaving any written evidence of their existence and development in the beginnings. They are mentioned to us only by classical writers of different cultures, which were often enemy peoples and thus an exact sketch of the early Celtic culture cannot be drawn. For instance, the denomination of the Celts was “barbarians” for the aristocratic Roman world. Yet, let us remember that the Romans called whoever had a lifestyle different than theirs thus. So, for the “makers of history”, it did not really matter whether a nation was maybe more evolved than themselves, as long as they did not follow their aristocratic rules and laws, they were looked upon and acted upon as barbarians. On the other hand, those “barbarians” called Celts had what the Romans did not: respect for the elderly, for the women of their community and they even took care of their mentally ill and handicapped, as was mentioned in the Celtic laws. These laws evoked the innocence of these people and thus protected them.
The importance of the Celtic migration is generally viewed with less attention than it should be. We could go as far as stating that the presence of these nomad tribes constituted some sort of spine for the European development. Not going so far as the fanatics, who practically divinize the people, it can be said that their heritage links one nation with another, be it in cultural, religious, mythological or literary aspect.
Many of the features of the Celts and much of their history and influences will be debated in this paper, from their origins to their institutions, from their development to the religion and mythology, from their encounter with Christianity to their art and literature. Despite the historical aspect of some parts of the paper, it is imperious to underline the fact that writing a chronic is not the main goal, but finding influences of things in the past upon nowadays’ Europe and especially Ireland. The chapters aim to make a follow-up of the Celtic pathways towards their final establishment area, the British Isles.
Spreading from Asia Minor (in Eastern Europe) to Britain, the Celtic migration area is considered the birthplace of the Golden Age. The Celts are known to have sacked and invaded Rome in 390 B.C. and several Greek cities in 280 B.C. From this cultural melting pot (Rome, Greece and the Germanic tribes, believed to have descended from Celtic tribes) arose many of the cultural forms, ideas and values of medieval Europe. Despite the importance of the Celtic influences , their trajectory and proof of existence are usually left out of the history books, or treated superficially. This is one of the main reasons for this research paper: to deepen the subject of their heritage; numerous researchers consider the Celts the most valuable and one of the most influential people of the world. Thus, this work is destined to underline the importance of this ancient people which has sublimely influenced this day’s ways.
Nowadays’ use of the word “Celt” is the modern description of the representative of any of the European peoples who spoke, or speak a Celtic language or the depiction of the modern descendants of the ancient Celtic peoples . One of the best looks on this aspect is the brilliant parody of nationalistic Celtic ideology can be found in the “Asterix and Obelix” cartoons. They outline the fanaticism developed by some people about the Celts. Origins of modern Celtic ideology lie in the accounts of the classical ethnography, in which the Celts are to some extent idealised for moralising purposes, but are also portrayed for political or war-oriented reasons, in a negative light or even caricatured. Some archaeological sites have been misleadingly appropriated to the Celts, such as the Bronze Age grave and ritual site at Stonehenge. It has nothing to do with the druids. Come to think of it, we may ask this question: is the New Age religion a reconstructed Celtic Religion?
We are going to focus on the aspect of “false Celts” later in the paper with a deeper glimpse, of course, on the Insular Celts (Britain, Scotland and Ireland). The British Isles are, as mentioned before, the place where Celtic evidence is the most intact and present.
On the other hand, the real remnants of the Irish oral tradition began to be preserved in the written form in the 6th A.D . However, only a few fragments of manuscript survive from a time earlier than 1100. Most of the earliest extant manuscripts were compiled during the 12th century by Christian monks.
However, the pillars established by the Celts in history speak more through findings and archaeological evidence than written “facts”, as one would rather see and touch their remnants than read about them in a not-so-objective historical work. Historians have long relied on the facts presented by roman writers, including Julius Caesar who, in his “De Bello Gaelico” (“ presents the war with the Celts lead by Vercingetorix. Only lately have some of these scientists considered the fact that those facts presented were shown through the conqueror’s eye, which deeply affects credibility. So, we all might be just victims of a mirage produced by the imagination of Greek and Latin writers and the imagination of archaeologists.
sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009
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cata abureala exista intr-o licenta... deci asa tre sa le fac si eu pe astea ale mele? :-? vrajeli? ah wait!...e CLUJ!!!!!!! ;))
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